Convergence: Bringing it all Together.

Convergence: Bringing it all Together.

Energy Transition Modelling

Accelerating Decarbonisation
Sectoral Emissions Reduction Strategies helpful, but don’t consider interdependencies.
Can’t set optimal energy policy without understanding where we’re at across multiple domains.
Real risk that we won’t achieve Net Zero target by 2050 without severe consequences.
Holistic modelling to reduce unintended consequences.

Narrow AI can’t solve the complex problems we face.
Sentient Hubs bridge the gaps between proven expert models.
‘Project Tapestry’ connects a virtually unlimited set of data, digital twins and sims to solve far more complex questions.

Federated Modelling
Federated Security
Federated Governance

Climate > Water > Energy > Food > Supply Chain > Security…
Beyond the Water-Energy Nexus
Energy Transition Modelling
Sentient Hubs is uniquely positioned to determine current energy mix and balance trigger-point trade-offs across competing economic, social and environmental priorities.

Dynamic interactions across multiple globally interdependent domains
Turn fragmented situational awareness into a holistic ‘system-of-systems’ view.
Quantify Interdependencies & Trade-offs.
Ensure assumptions applied consistently.
Leverage science rather than ‘best-guess’ in the face of overwhelming complexity.
Factor in multiple dynamic externalities.
Shift from Static & Reactive to Sentient!
Leverage Sentient Hubs to:
How can we plan for multiple potential futures, or determine optimal capital allocation and timing today?
Gain a holistic view of the energy mix, resilience and economics.
How far along are we on the path to Net Zero: 1%? 8.5%? 21%?
What’s the over-shoot on current trajectory: 6 months, 16 years?
How can we plot a course and course-correct without without a baseline?
How can we optimize without a baseline?
Big budgets in wrong place at wrong time will fail.

Generate a Holistic View of Current Energy Mix.
Test Resilience: Optimize Options & Trade-offs.
Security, Sustainability & Affordability under Multiple Futures.
Decarbonisation – The fastest affordable & sustainable pathways.

Interactive map view of the Energy Network across all major modes: From rooftop solar & storage, to micro-grids, utilities, T&D, Market Operators, Regulators, etc.)
Current Capacity, Constraints & Resilience.
Variable Demand & Supply (incorporating renewables) under multiple potential futures.
Options & Trade-Offs (trigger point timing).
Test for Security, Sustainability & Affordability.