Convergence: Bringing it all Together.

Convergence: Bringing it all Together.
Radical Collaboration...
Combining Unlimited Constellations of Data, Models & Platforms.

Land Use Modeller
Long Supply-Chain Simulator
National Energy Simulator
Noise Pollution Simulator
Ocean Current Simulator
Ocean Plastic/Debris Tracker
Operations Performance Optimiser
Scope 3 Emission Forecasting Tool
Sediment Transport Simulator
Solar Radiation (PV) Forecasting Tool
Traffic Congestion Simulator
Water Balance Simulator
Water Quality Simulator
Wind & Wave Modelling Tool
Weather & Climate Models
Air Quality Tool (SOx, NOx, Odours)
Capital Allocation Optimiser
Bushfire Modeller
Carbon Footprint Predictor
Climate Scenario Modeller
Coastal Erosion Modeller
COVID Impact Modelling
Distributed Energy Use Simulator
Dynamic Trade Forecaster
Economic Impact Simulator
Grid Resilience Simulator
Social Impact Modeller
Structural Risk Simulator
Flood Damage Simulator (TCFD)
Infrastructure Impact Simulator
Run multiple scenario models (eg: Excel, Machine Learning, Physics) separately, or daisy-chained, via Sentient Hubs collaborative Software as a Service (SaaS) Platform. Link in-house models to a growing list of 3rd Party and open-source models and ESG consulting services.
Access a growing library of modular applications and ESG service providers.